Money and relationships.
Many elements can lead to relationship tensions and even breakdown.
One of the most difficult to change can be disputes or differences over money.
Money and relationships.
Many elements can lead to relationship tensions and even breakdown.
One of the most difficult to change can be disputes or differences over money.
If you made a New Year’s Resolution, was it geared towards your financial wellness?
If it wasn’t, or you didn’t make one at all it’s not too late, in fact it’s never too late.
Last minute Christmas shopping guide
Because Christmas is a time of family and giving, that means it’s a time of decisions.
Avoid impulse spending – Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales.
Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales are upon us, with a marketing onslaught that can be hard to resist.
Continue reading “Avoid impulse spending – Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales”
Measuring financial stress.
In the second part of our financial stress webinar series, Dr Nicola Gates provides a detailed look at measuring financial stress.
In the first part of our financial stress webinar series, Dr Nicola Gates provides a detailed look at financial stress.
Money and infidelity main reasons couples divorce.
We know that divorce – the unsettling reality for one in three marriages – usually has an immense but largely immeasurable emotional impact on couples and their children.
Continue reading “Money and infidelity main reasons couples divorce”
The disparity between men and women with employment incomes is well known and persistent. This pay gender gap causes women to experience financial stress.
Why women suffer more financial stress.
Recent studies have found women feeling considerably more financially stressed than men – but why?
Under-earning and financial stress
At a time when basic living costs are dramatically rising, with inflation set to hit 7 per cent this year, how much we earn comes into sharp focus.